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International and Dubbing

Outstanding Audio Description – TV or Film – Best Voice Actor

Excelencia en Audio Drescripción . TV o Film – Mejor locución


This category is open to audio description narrators. Audio description is developed specifically for assisting blind and low vision audiences, so that they can have a more complete experience of enjoying the visuals of TV, Film, and theatrical productions through enhanced audio information. Audio description works demonstrate the ability of the narrators to describe visual exposition. All entries must be “works for hire” and must have been distributed for public consumption between the period of January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.


Esta categoría está abierta a narradores que realizan audiodescripción. LA audiodescripción está desarrollada específicamente para asisitir a las personas ciegas o con deficiencias de visión, de tal manera que puedan tener una experiencia más completa al disfrutar de la televisión, las películas y producciones cinematográficas gracias a una información de audio sumplementaria.  Los trabajos de audiodescripción demuestran las habilidades del narrador para describir escenas visuales. Los participantes pueden enviar un segmento sin editar del audiolibro de hasta 5 MINUTOS de duración, pero no más. Todas las entradas deben ser trabajos ealizados patra clientes y han debido ser distribuídas paa consumo público entre el 1 de enero de 2021 y el 30 de junio de 2022.

Outstanding Audio Description – Museums & Cultural Sites – Best Voice Actor

Excelencia en descripción de audio - Museos y sitios culturales - Mejor actor de doblaje


This category is open to audio description narrators performing for Museums and cultural sites. Audiodescription is developed specifically for assisting blind and low-vision audiences, so that they can have a more complete experience of enjoying the visuals of TV, Film, live theater, museums cultural sites through enhanced audio information. Audio description works demonstrate the ability of the narrators to describe visual exposition. All entries must be “works for hire” and must have been distributed for public consumption during the eligibility period.

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.


Esta categoría está abierta a narradores que realizan audiodescripción de museos y sitios culturales.La audiodescripción está desarrollada específicamente para asisitir a las personas ciegas o con deficiencias de visión, de tal manera que puedan tener una experiencia más completa al disfrutar de la televisión, las películas, museos, sitios culturales y producciones cinematográficas gracias a una información de audio sumplementaria. Los trabajos de audiodescripción de muestran las habilidades del narrador para describir escenas visuales. Los participantes pueden enviar un segmento sin editar del audiolibro de hasta 5 MINUTOS de duración, pero no más. Todas las entradas deben ser trabajos ealizados patra clientes y han debido ser distribuídas paa consume público entre el 1 de enero de 2021 y el 30 de junio de 2022.

Outstanding Dubbing – International – Motion Picture Film – Best Voiceover

Excelencia Mejor Trayectoria – Internacional – Mejor Locución


This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for motion picture film, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film, originally recorded in one language, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actors performance. 

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic, English-speaking Africa, and Japanese.


Esta categoría reconoce a los actores de voz en cualquier idioma o lengua, que tengan una trayectoria profesional establecida en múltiples disciplinas de la locución. La pieza participante puede incluir hasta veinte (20) minutos de trabajo, en donde cada muestra no exceda los tres (3) minutos de

duración. Requisitos: El trabajo puede abarcar todos los géneros de la locución:

comerciales, animación, promos, narración, videojuegos, tráilers, corporativo, audiolibros, videos de ventas para el consumidor, anuncios en vivo, instructivos, y otras áreas. Los elementos de la pieza participante pueden ser en audio y/o video. No existe restricción acerca del periodo de tiempo en el que el elemento fue creado. Las piezas participantes serán juzgadas por expertos de medios en los idiomas/lenguajes de origen de la pieza. Languages included are as follows: include Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.

Outstanding Dubbing – International – TV or Streaming – Best Voiceover

This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for motion picture film, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film, originally recorded in one language, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actors performance.

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.


Esta categoría reconoce a los actores de voz de doblaje (cine) que proveen un diálogo como una forma de traducir una película originalmente grabada en otro idioma, y donde el idioma de doblaje (traducción) está altamente sincronizado con el movimiento bucal de los actores de la película. La calidad de sonido de los doblajes raramente iguala la calidad artística del lenguaje original, pero la calidad del doblaje y la actuación del locutor serán gran parte de la evaluación del trabajo. Los actores de voz en esta categoría deben identificar su interpretación, identificando el personaje que doblaron. Los participantes deben ingresar una escena sin editar de no más de cinco (5) minutos. Solo actores de voz son elegibles para esta categoría. Los trabajos ingresados pueden incluir subtítulos.

Los subtítulos no tendrán impacto sobre el trabajo de los actores de voz. En esta categoría, todos los idiomas diferentes al original serán considerados. Los trabajos sometidos pueden incluir español, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, hindi, mandarín y japonés

Outstanding Dubbing – International – TV or Streaming – Best Voiceover

This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for TV shows, and made-for-TV movies, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film, originally recorded in one language, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actors performance.

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic, English-speaking Africa, and Japanese.


Esta categoría reconoce a los actores de voz de doblaje (cine) que proveen un diálogo como una forma de traducir una película originalmente grabada en otro idioma, y donde el idioma de doblaje (traducción) está altamente sincronizado con el movimiento bucal de los actores de la película. La calidad de sonido de los doblajes raramente iguala la calidad artística del lenguaje original, pero la calidad del doblaje y la actuación del locutor serán gran parte de la evaluación del trabajo. Los actores de voz en esta categoría deben identificar su interpretación, identificando el personaje que doblaron. Los participantes deben ingresar una escena sin editar de no más de cinco (5) minutos. Solo actores de voz son elegibles para esta categoría. Los trabajos ingresados pueden incluir subtítulos.

Los subtítulos no tendrán impacto sobre el trabajo de los actores de voz. En esta categoría, todos los idiomas diferentes al original serán considerados. Los trabajos sometidos pueden incluir español, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, hindi, mandarín y japonés

Outstanding Podcast – Best Producer or Host

ALL SUBJECTS ARE ELIGIBLE. This category recognizes audio podcasts, in the ENGLISH language, where the spoken words of the hosts and/or guests are the primary drivers of the content and quality of the presentation. The judging criteria for this category will be based on the following: 1) Quality of Content  2) Quality of host presentation. 3) Quality of Production. The podcast must have been made available to the public via any digital means and must have been distributed during the eligibility period. Entrants may submit an unedited excerpt, where the total length does not exceed 5 MINUTES.


The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.



Best Director – Dubbing for Film or TV - International

This category recognizes directors who direct voice actors in dubbing for motion picture film or television, where replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film from one language to another language, and where the new language (translation) carefully matched to the performance and lip movements of the actors in the film. The quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only directors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not a requirement.

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese.



Outstanding Dubbing – TV or Film – Best African Voiceover

This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for motion picture film, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film, originally recorded in one language, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actors performance.  
Outstanding Dubbing – TV or Motion Picture – Best Arabic Voiceover / فئة الإحلال الصوتي المتميز (الدبلجة) - للإنتاج التليفزيوني والسينمائي - أفضل أداء صوتي عربي This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for TV, Film or streaming, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating the original work, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the on-camera actors. It is understood that dubbed soundtracks do not match exactly to the original sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as major components of the overall performance and production. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actor’s performance. If more than one character is shown in the submission, the entrant must identify their role by start time, character name, and visual description, e.g., “22 seconds, Princess Leia, woman in white gown.” The work must be publicly distributed within the eligibility period, via TV or internet from September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2024.

هذه الفئة معنية بمحترفي الأداء الصوتي الذين قاموا بالإحلال الصوتي لأعمال أنتجت للتليفزيون أو السينما أو البث الرقمي، في إطار عملية تحويل الحوار من لغته الأصلية إلى اللغة العربية، بحيث تتم مواءمة الحوار المسجل بالعربية لتتوافق حركاته وسكتاته مع حركات الشفاه للشخصيات التي تظهر على الشاشة. من المفهوم أن مسارات الإحلال الصوتي قد لا تتطابق تطابقًا تامًا مع المسارات الصوتية الأصلية، بيد أن مستوى ومدى دقة الأداء والتزامن اللفظي للكلمات هي أهم المعايير المعتبرة في تقييم مستوى الأداء والإنتاج الفني. ينبغي على محترفي الأداء الصوتي المشاركين في هذه الفئة تعيين أعمالهم بالإشارة إلى اسم الشخصية التي قاموا بتجسيدها. يمكن للمشاركين تقديم مشهد غير محرر (دون مونتاج) من المادة، لا تتجاوز مدته خمس (٥) دقائق. محترفو الأداء الصوتي دون غيرهم، هم المؤهلون للترشح للجائزة ضمن هذه الفئة. لا مانع من احتواء الأعمال المشاركة في هذه الفئة على ترجمة نصية للحوار على الشاشة، غير أنه لن يكون لهذه الترجمة أي تأثير على تقييم أداء محترفي الأداء الصوتي المشاركين في هذا العمل. في حال مشاركة أكثر من شخصية في المقطع المقدَّم، فإنه يتعين على المشارك أن يحدد توقيت بداية الدور الذي قام به، واسم الشخصية التي قام بتجسيدها، على سبيل المثال: ”الثانية ٢٢، الأميرة ليا“ وينبغي أن يكون قد تم بث هذا العمل للجمهور خلال فترة أهليته للتقدم للمنافسة على الجائزة، والممتدة من أول سبتمبر/أيلول ٢٠٢٢ وحتى الحادي والثلاثين ٣١ من أغسطس/آب من العام الجاري ٢٠٢٤ 

Outstanding Dubbing – TV or Series – Best Voiceover / الممثل الصوتي المتميز (دوبلاج) - فئة عالمية - المسلسلات أو الأفلام التلفزيونية - أفضل معلق صوتي This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for TV Film or Series, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating the orignal work, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound tracks, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Voice actors in this category should identify their performance by the name of the character played. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actors performance. Entries may be submitted in the following languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Hindi, Mandarin, Arabic and Japanese. تتاح المشاركة في هذه الفئة للممثلين الصوتيين الذين قدموا أعمالاً تتعلق بالدبلجة للمسلسلات أو الأفلام التلفزيونية عن طريق استبدال الحوار الأصلي للعمل بلغة مختلفة مع مراعاة مطابقة الحوار البديل بالحوار الأصلي وحركة شفاه الممثلين ، سيتم تحكيم هذه الفئة بناءً على اعتبارات جودة تنفيذ الدبلجة وتطابق مزامنة الحوار، يطلب من المشاركين في هذه الفئة اختيار مشهد أو مشاهد تبرز أداء الممثل الصوتي من خلال مقطع واحد أو مقاطع مجمعة من نفس العمل شرط أن لا تزيد مدتهم على 5 دقائق مع تحديد اسم الشخصية التي لعبوها، سيتم اعتماد مشاركات الممثلين الصوتيين المشاركين في أعمال أصلية منتجة ومعروضة حصراً، لن تغير الترجمة الكتابية إن وجدت على المادة الفيلمية في العملية التحكيمية، اللغات المشاركة في هذه الفئة : الإسبانية والفرنسية والألمانية والإيطالية والهندية والماندرين والعربية واليابانية.
Outstanding Dubbing – Video Games – Best Voiceover - Portuguese Language / Dublagem de Destaque – Vídeo Games – Melhor Voiceover – Língua Portuguesa

This category recognizes voice actors who perform dubbing for motion picture film or television, where replacing dialogue as a means of translating a video Game from one language to another language, and where the new language (translation) is carefully matched to the performance and lip movements of the characters in the video game. The quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration.   Entrants must identify their character by name, time code, and first phrase or sentence, e.g., “Officer Brown, 22 seconds, ‘He thought he would be safe hiding behind the trees.’” Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration in this category. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not a requirement.

(Entries must be submitted in Portuguese.)

Esta categoria reconhece atores de voz que realizam dublagem para videogames, substituindo o diálogo como um meio de localisar um videogame de um idioma para outro, e onde o novo idioma (tradução) é cuidadosamente combinado com a performance e os movimentos labiais dos personagens do vídeogame original. A qualidade da atuação e da sincronização labial será considerada como os principais componentes do desempenho geral. Os dubladores nesta categoria devem identificar a sua atuação claramente, identificando o nome da personagem interpretada.Os participantes podem enviar uma cena não editada do trabalho que não exceda 5 minutos de duração. Apenas dubladores são elegíveis para consideração de prêmio nesta categoria. Em casos onde mais de um personagem está presente no material enviado, o participante deve identificar o seu papel por minutagem, nome do personagem e descrição visual. Ex: 22 segundos, Princesa Leia, mulher de vestido branco. Os trabalhos nesta categoria podem incluir legendas, mas não é obrigatório. As inscrições podem ser feitas apenas em português
Outstanding Dubbing – TV or Film – Best Voiceover – Portuguese Language / Dublagem de Destaque – TV ou Filme – Melhor Voiceover – Língua Portuguesa

This category recognizes voice actors who provide dubbing for motion picture film or TV, by replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film, originally recorded in one language, into a different language, and where the added language (translation) of the original dialogue is carefully matched to the lip movements of the actors in the film. Dubbed sound tracks rarely equal the artistic quality of original language sound track, but the quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance.  Entrants must identify their character by name, time code, and first phrase or sentence, e.g., “Denzel Washington, 22 seconds, ‘He thought he would be safe hiding behind the trees.’” Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only voice actors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not required. Subtitles will have no bearing on judging the voice actor’s performance. (Entries must be submitted in Portuguese.)

Esta categoria reconhece atores de voz que fornecem dublagem para cinema ou TV, substituindo o diálogo como um meio de localisar um filme originalmente gravado em um idioma para um idioma diferente, e onde o idioma traduzido do diálogo original é cuidadosamente combinado com os movimentos labiais dos atores no filme original. A qualidade da atuação e da sincronização labial serão consideradas os principais componentes da performance geral. Os dubladores nesta categoria devem identificar a sua atuação claramente, identificando o nome da personagem interpretada. Em casos onde mais de um personagem está presente no material enviado, o participante deve identificar o seu papel por minutagem, nome do personagem e descrição visual. Ex: 22 segundos, Princesa Leia, mulher de vestido branco. Os participantes podem enviar uma cena não editada do trabalho que não exceda 5 minutos de duração. Apenas dubladores são elegíveis para consideração ao prêmio. Os trabalhos nesta categoria podem incluir legendas, mas não é obrigatório. As legendas não afetarão o julgamento do desempenho do dublador. As inscrições podem ser enviadas apenas em português
Outstanding Commercial - TV or Web – Best Dubbing Performance / 最優秀TV/Web CM吹替えナレーション This category is limited to a single 15-second to 90-second video COMMERCIAL in which the actor(s) have been dubbed. The COMMERCIAL must be advertising a corporate brand message, product, or service. The commercial must be publicly distributed within the eligibility period, via TV, internet, or in-theater. PROMOS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this category. PROMOS are defined as works advertising media programming, such as TV shows, radio shows, webisodes, theatrical and other live events, where time and/or date may be a key element of the ad. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY) この部門では、声優もしくはナレーターが吹き替えを担当したCM動画(15秒から90秒)1本を提出します。このCMは企業ブランドメッセージ、製品、サービスなどを宣伝するCMの吹き替えで、対象期間にテレビ、インターネット、劇場などで公開されたものに限ります。PROMOSはこの部門の対象外です。PROMOとは、テレビ番組、ラジオ番組、Webエピソード、劇場、その他のライブイベントなどの番宣で、時間や日付が広告の重要な要素になりうるものです。応募する作品は、実際の案件であること、つまり有償のプロの仕事であることが条件です。 (日本語のみ)
Outstanding Anime Dubbing – Film or TV – Best Voiceover / 最優秀映画・TVアニメ吹替えキャラクター(海外作品) This category is limited to a single anime character that was created in a language other than Japanese but is dubbed into Japanese. The work must be related to ANIME works produced for TV, Film or Web, and where a single character is the focus. Entrants may enter the character of their choice. The character does not have to be the main or starring character. The work must be originally produced in a language other than Japanese, but dubbed in the Japanese Language. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. The submitted sample may be up to 3 minutes in length. (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY) この部門では、日本語以外の言語で制作され、日本語に吹替された1つのアニメのキャラクターで応募します。応募作品は、テレビ、映画、Web用に制作されたアニメ作品に関連するもので、応募者は自分の担当したキャラクターで応募することができ、主役である必要はありません。応募する作品は日本以外で制作され、日本語に吹替えされた作品に限ります。また、実際の案件であること、つまり有償のプロの仕事であることが条件です。作品の長さは最長3分まで提出可能です。(日本語のみ)。
Outstanding Dubbing – Live Action Film or TV – Best Voiceover / 最優秀映画/TV実写吹替えナレーション(海外作品) This category is limited to the performance of a single character from live-action film or TV program, where the character is a real person (not Anime) who is dubbed into Japanese. Entrants may enter the character of their choice. The character does not have to be the main or starring character. The work must be originally produced in a language other than Japanese but dubbed in the Japanese Language. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. The submitted sample may be up to 3 minutes in length. (JAPANESE LANGUAGE ONLY) この部門では、実写の映画やテレビ番組から、アニメではない1人の役を日本語に吹き替えたものを提出します。応募者は自分の担当した役で応募することができ、主役やクローズアップされた人物である必要はありません。応募する作品は日本以外で制作され、日本語に吹替えされた作品に限ります。また、実際の案件であること、つまり有償のプロの仕事であることが条件です。作品の長さは最長3分まで提出可能です。(日本語のみ)。
Outstanding Commercial - TV or Web – Best Dubbing Performance / 最佳電視/網絡廣告配音表演 This category is limited to a single 15-second to 90-second video COMMERCIAL in which the actor(s) have been dubbed. The COMMERCIAL must be advertising a corporate brand message, product, or service. The commercial must be publicly distributed within the eligibility period, via TV, internet, or in-theater. PROMOS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this category. PROMOS are defined as works advertising media programming, such as TV shows, radio shows, webisodes, theatrical and other live events, where time and/or date may be a key element of the ad. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. (MANDARIN LANGUAGE ONLY) 此類別僅限於為演員配音的單個 15 秒至 90 秒商業視頻。 商業視頻必須宣傳企業品牌信息、產品或服務。商業廣告必須在合格期限內通過電視、互聯網或影院公開發布。促銷不符合此類別的條件。 節目宣傳片不符合此類別的條件。 節目宣傳片被定義為廣告媒體節目的作品,例如電視節目、廣播節目、網絡劇集、戲劇和現場活動,其中時間和/或日期很可能是宣傳片的關鍵元素。(僅限普通話)
Outstanding Anime Dubbing – Film or TV – Best Voiceover / 最佳電影或電視動漫配音 This category is limited to a single anime character that was created in a language other than Japanese but is dubbed into Japanese. The work must be related to ANIME works produced for TV, Film or Web, and where a single character is the focus. Entrants may enter the character of their choice. The character does not have to be the main or starring character. The work must be originally produced in a language other than Japanese, but dubbed in the Japanese Language. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. The submitted sample may be up to 3 minutes in length. (MANDARIN LANGUAGE ONLY) 此類別僅限於使用普通話以外的語言創建但配音為普通話的單個動漫角色。該作品必須與為電視、電影或網絡製作的動漫作品相關,並且以單個角色為焦點。參賽者可以輸入他們選擇的角色。角色不必是主要角色或主演角色。作品必須最初以普通話製作和錄製。提交的樣本最長可達 3 分鐘。 (僅限普通話)
Outstanding Dubbing – Live Action Film or TV – Best Voiceover / 最佳影視角色配音 This category is limited to the performance of a single character from live-action film or TV program, where the character is a real person (not Anime) who is dubbed into Japanese. Entrants may enter the character of their choice. The character does not have to be the main or starring character. The work must be originally produced in a language other than Japanese but dubbed in the Japanese Language. The work must be an actual “work for hire” which means it was a professional job for which the entrant was paid. The submitted sample may be up to 3 minutes in length. (MANDARIN LANGUAGE ONLY) 此類別僅限於表演真人電影或電視節目中的單個角色,該角色是真人(非動漫),配音為普通話。參賽者可以輸入他們選擇的角色。角色不必是主要角色或主演角色。作品最初必須以普通話以外的語言製作,但以普通話配音。提交的樣本最長可達 3 分鐘。 (僅限普通話)
Best Director – Dubbing for TV or Motion Picture - English Language

This category recognizes directors who direct voice actors in dubbing for motion picture film or television, where replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film from one language to another language, and where the new language (translation) carefully matched to the performance and lip movements of the actors in the film. The quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only directors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not a requirement. Entries may be submitted in the following languages:

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: English

Best Director – Dubbing for TV or Motion Picture - Spanish Language

This category recognizes directors who direct voice actors in dubbing for motion picture film or television, where replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film from one language to another language, and where the new language (translation) carefully matched to the performance and lip movements of the actors in the film. The quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only directors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not a requirement. Entries may be submitted in the following languages:

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Spanish

Best Director – Dubbing for TV or Motion Picture - Portuguese Language

This category recognizes directors who direct voice actors in dubbing for motion picture film or television, where replacing dialogue as a means of translating a film from one language to another language, and where the new language (translation) carefully matched to the performance and lip movements of the actors in the film. The quality of both acting and lip synch will be considered as the major components of the overall performance. Entrants may submit an unedited scene from the work not exceeding 5 minutes in duration. Only directors are eligible for award consideration. The works in this category may include subtitles, but it is not a requirement. Entries may be submitted in the following languages:

The languages accepted  in this category are as follows: Portuguese